The second GameJam under the Theme of Extinction.

I really wanted to try my first Spread and Destroy type of mechanic. For me Extinction is something that rapidly spreads, takes over or happens to you/someone else. So experimenting with this mechanic, it really came together for me.

With my limited programming skills it was really fun experimenting with the concept, but I do think this concept comes in full fruition when a few more things can be done. Like combo's and extra events that hover over the map. I got stuck a long time with not being able to fix the total amount of enemies counted in the scene. It would only add them to the counter, not detract them once leaving so I couldn't communicate the tot. amount of current enemies to theplayer. So I couldn't add the Loss Condition that if a x-amount of enemies would be on the map, the Player would lose too.

Now it's more High Score oriented. I still am happy with the prototype for now, I'll maybe revisit it one day.

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